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An increasing number of fake websitesdesigned to steal personal information, including usernames and passwords have beenidentified.

Please verify that this website is authentic before entering your username andpassword.

Check the address bar at the top of your browser and confirm the address begins 'https://' and that a lock icon isvisible.

Browser warning - must be https

Learn more about phishing on iSeek.   ICT Policies
ICT Standards   iSeek   Umoja Self Service
Umoja Production Systems   Inspira   Unite Self Service


Staff members are reminded that the use of ICT resources and access to the Internet are provided to them by the Organization for the performance of their official duties.

This system is part of a United Nations ICT system used to accomplish official functions. The organization monitors this system for security purposes to ensure it remains available to all users and to protect information in the system. By using this facility, you are expressly consenting to these monitoring activities.

Unauthorized access to this United Nations Computer System is prohibited by ST/SGB/2004/15 ('Use of information and communication technology resources and data' of 29 November 2004).

Authorized users shall ensure that their use of Information and Communication Technology ('ICT') resources and ICT data is consistent with their obligations as staff members or such other obligations as may apply to them.

All use of ICT resources and ICT data is subject to monitoring and investigation as set forth in ST/SGB/2004/15. Use of this system by any user,authorized or unauthorized, constitutes consent to the applicable UN regulations and rules.

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